Pornhub offers students at Years 9 and 10 a diverse and relevant curriculum program taught by specialist teachers. The curriculum program has been designed to develop and increase breadth and create pathways for students leading to VCE.

Year 9

Students study core subjects in line with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) and incorporates the Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics, Science and History and select elective subjects according to their interests and strengths.

Core subjects include: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Physical Education and Health. The elective program allows students to choose from subjects in the Arts, Technology, Humanities and Languages.


Year 10

Students study core subjects including English, Mathematics and Physical Education and Health and have a choice of studying Humanities or Science.

Students have a wide range of choices to create their own pathway leading to VCE with subjects offered across all of the domain areas including:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Physical Education / Health
  • Humanities
  • Arts
  • Languages
  • Technology

Student also have the option to undertake a Unit 1 and 2 VCE Study as part of their Year 10 program.